Lighting up Our Shadows
Lighting up Our Shadows

When light is cast upon an object, it creates a shadow. It is the same with human beings. If we lead a grey existence we cast no shadow. However, the Shadow indicates a certain incapacity to bear the fullness of the Light.


The Shadow is a factor of growth but it uncanny how often those imbued with particular virtues can, in a given situation, spontaneously erupt with the exact opposite tendency. As long as we live in the zone of duality, our shadow nature will persist, but is there a way of stepping away from this syndrome?


Join us for this six-day programme with six different facilitators in these immersive and practical sessions to find out the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of ‘Lighting Up Our Shadows’ and discover the way of manifesting the Light that you truly are…


Day 1 - Dr. Alok Pandey, The Other Side of Virtue

Day 2 - Dr. Monica Gulati, Kiss the Frog

Day 3 - James Anderson, Traversing Our Shadows

Day 4 - Manoj Pavithran, Transformation of the Shadow in Integral Yoga

Day 5 - Dr. Aditi Kaul, The Play of Shadow & Light

Day 6 - Dr. Soumitra Basu, “Light, endless Light”


To join

India: Rs. 2,900

Overseas : $42


Zoom joining details will be circulated in the morning of 6th January



Account: NAMAH, Acc no: 1235498160, Type: Savings, Central Bank of India,

IFSC: CBIN0281354

CONTACT DETAILS: +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263

Dr. Alok Pandey is a medical doctor specialising in psychiatry, practising at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He has conducted many workshops on diverse subjects in India and abroad and contributed numbers of articles on different subjects in various Indian and International journals. He has authored three books and is the Chief Editor of All India Magazine, a monthly journal of the Sri Aurobindo Society. He is also a Founder-Editor of NAMAH.


Dr. Monica Gulati is an immunologist by training, who realised that scientific research was not her calling, while studying at the University of Zurich. Cancer made her realise that her truth was the way of the heart. She lives fearlessly through every movement, reading every inner message to meet the challenges of existence. A relentless explorer, she feels graced to be on this inner journey, hand-in-hand with her fellow-travellers.


James Anderson met life-threatening illness when 21, before working at the Lloyd’s Market in London for 16 years and later as a director. A sudden calling changed his life and he came to India. He has remained in Pondicherry since 2000. A writer, healer and teacher, he is Coordinating Editor of NAMAH and has published A Torch in the Dark, that examines human growth in an integral and experiential way.


Manoj Pavithran is an Integral Yoga practitioner and educator. He was drawn to Sri Aurobindo in 1989 and eventually joined Auroville in 1995. A co-Founder of the Purnam Centre for Integrality in Auroville, he offers transformative courses ( His film series, Evolution Fast-forward can be found at He has authored a book, Pilgrims of the Infinite.


Dr. Aditi Kaul is a seeker working towards bringing the perennial wisdom of self-knowledge to the field of psychology with an aspiration to promote an integral  approach to life. After completing her Ph.D. in Psychology in 2015, Aditi pursued a two-semester course on Indian Psychology at The Indian Psychology Institute in Pondicherry, which deepened her journey of self-exploration. Currently, she conducts online courses and workshops based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.


Dr. Soumitra Basu. a consultant psychiatrist based in Kolkata and Pondicherry, who works with Consciousness paradigms in health and psychology. He conducts workshops on personal growth and is a Founder-Editor of NAMAH. He is author of Integral Health and has developed a module of Consciousness-based Psychology with Michael Miovic (USA) with both co-authoring a book of that name, based on the wisdom of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

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