Decoding the Yantra Sacred Geometry & Symbology with Vivechana Saraf

Vivechana is an entrepreneur, publisher and sacred artist. She lives in Pondicherry and is the founder of ‘Soulscapes’. She has a keen interest in sacred symbology, sacred geometry and has delved deeply into ancient art, philosophy and systems to understand and explore universal principles and truths. | Instagram@soulscapes

Decoding the Yantra Sacred Geometry & Symbology

In this workshop, we explore:
-    Sacred Geometry method of Drawing Yantras
-    Sacred symbology of the Yantra 
-    Sacred Architecture and Rituals


To join

From India; Rs. 4,750

From outside India: $65

Zoom joining details will be circulated in the morning of 16th December



Account: NAMAH, Acc no: 1235498160, Type: Savings, Central Bank of India,

IFSC: CBIN0281354

CONTACT DETAILS: +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263

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