The Sadhana of Love Over Death with Neelesh Marik

Neelesh Marik has 32 years of corporate experience in established blue-chips as well as start-ups, in a wide array of product (consumer/ industrial) and service (consulting, technology, ITES) businesses across many geographies and industry life-cycles. Neelesh also has, over 14 years, embarked on a journey of trans-disciplinary research and study across philosophy, social sciences, psychology, complexity and spirituality, with a total immersion in Integral Yoga for the last many years.


Professionally, he coaches and he mentors executives including CEOs, start-up founders, professors, NGO heads, and HR heads who are keen to reinvent themselves and their creative endeavours through the power of the Spirit. Neelesh has a Bachelor of Technology from IIT Bombay and a post-graduate Diploma in Business Management from IIM Bangalore.

The Sadhana of Love Over Death

When it is darkest before dawn, the battle is the fiercest, the most acute and perilously precarious; such is the current world-scape during the turn of the next spiral-arc of the cosmic movement. The various conflictual bloodbaths we see smearing and tearing apart the world today in political, social, religious, cultural and economic spheres, are but tell-tale signs of a colossal occult duel between the evolutionary and anti-evolutionary forces fighting for dominion in this watershed phase of human history. The evolutionary forces are warring for and on behalf of the Superlife or the promise of heaven-on-earth, while the anti-evolutionary forces are waging a massive attack from the camp of death, in an Armageddon-like passage from the age of falsehood and suffering to the next age of Truth and Bliss.


In Savitri, the apocalyptic Veda of the future, Sri Aurobindo uses the power of mantric poetry to detail the great conquest of Death by Divine Love through a mythological allegory, but which is also an epic wrestle underway in our inner psycho-spiritual spaces, whether we are conscious of it or not.


This workshop aims to reinforce every participant’s capture of the broad contours of that dialectical-energetic interchange between the two sides which presages the new terrestrial creation. The unmasking of Death to divulge the immortal godhead in the subjective soul-soil of knowing is a necessary passage through ‘hell as a short cut to heaven’s gates.’ Savitri’s victorious ordeal offers pointers to the Sadhana that must be undertaken by spiritual soldiers who seek both direction and protection in this mortal combat, as also a direct wormhole to the Supreme Himself.

Serious practitioners of the Integral Yoga can venture into this territory of Sadhana if ready and willing.


Workshop Schedule

2/12/24 19.30 IST Session One: What does Death represent in Savitri – Part 1

3/12/24 19.30 IST Session Two: What does Death represent in Savitri – Part 2

5/12/24 19.30 IST Session Three: Death’s Strategies against the Evolution – Part 1

6/12/24 19.30 IST Session Four: Death’s Strategies against the Evolution – Part 2

7/12/24 19.30 IST Session Five: Death’s Strategies against the Evolution – Part 3


9/12/24 19.30 IST Session Six: Savitri’s Rebuttal and Actions – Part 1

10/12/24 19.30 IST Session Seven: Savitri’s Rebuttal and Actions – Part 2

12/12/24 19.30 IST Session Eight: Savitri’s Rebuttal and Actions – Part 3

13/12/24 19.30 IST Session Nine: Learnings for the Integral Yoga Sadhaka – Part 1

14/12/24 19.30 IST Session Ten: Learnings for the Integral Yoga Sadhaka – Part 2


To join

From India; Rs. 6,000

From outside India: $90

Joining details for the entire event will be circulated in the morning of December 2nd



Account: NAMAH, Acc no: 1235498160, Type: Savings, Central Bank of India,

IFSC: CBIN0281354

CONTACT DETAILS: +917094898789 & (0413) 2226263

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